Testing Mavens

Optimize Your Test Suite: Build Reusable and Maintainable Test Cases with Modular Test Design Strategy

Mon Oct 21 2024

Rahul Babu


One of the biggest challenges every testing team face is maintaining the test suite as the product evolves over time. The key is to optimize the test suite by making test cases reusable across releases, while ensuring they stay up to date with feature changes. So, what’s the smartest way to address this?

Modular Test Design Strategy

The Modular Test Design Strategy provides a solution by breaking down complex test scenarios into smaller, manageable, and independent modules. Each module focuses on a specific part of the software under test, allowing for more manageable and reusable test cases. These modules are combined to form larger test suites, enabling comprehensive testing without redundancy. This approach is similar to the Page Object Model in Test Automation, where actions are broken down into reusable methods, allowing them to be easily invoked across multiple tests as needed.

So, let's understand the concept in-deeper with a real-time use case by implementing Modular Test Case Design Strategy for Trip Booking scenario in a Ride-Hailing App. In this case, the complex functionality of booking a trip can be broken down into smaller, modular test cases. Each module tests a specific part of the booking process.

Step 1: Module Fragmentation

	1. Module 1: Pickup Location Selection
		○ Test that the user can correctly select a pickup location using the map or entering the address manually.
	2. Module 2: Drop-off Location Selection
		○ Test the functionality of selecting a destination (drop-off location).
	3. Module 3: Vehicle Selection
		○ Test that users can choose the type of vehicle (e.g., Economy, Premium, or XL) for the trip.
	4. Module 4: Fare Estimation
		○ Test that the app displays a fare estimate based on the selected route and vehicle type.
	5. Module 5: Payment Method Selection
		○ Test the selection of payment options (e.g., Credit Card, Cash, Digital Wallet).
	6. Module 6: Confirm and Book the Ride
		○ Test the confirmation and booking of the trip.

Step 2: Modular Test Case Creation

Create test cases for each module identified in Step 1.

Module 1: Pickup Location Selection
: Verify the user can select a pickup location.

: Ensure that users can choose a pickup location by either selecting from the map or entering an address manually.

: The app is open, and the user is logged in.

	1. Navigate to the trip booking screen.
	2. Use the map to select a pickup location by dragging the pin to the desired spot.
	3. Enter an address manually in the pickup location field.
	4. Confirm the pickup location.
	5. The pin moves to the correct location on the map.
	6. The address entered manually is accepted, and the map updates to reflect the location.
	7. The user can successfully confirm the selected pickup location.

Module 2: Drop-off Location Selection
Title: Verify the user can select a drop-off location.
Description: Ensure the user can choose a destination for the trip by selecting from the map or entering an address manually.
Preconditions: Pickup location has already been selected.
	1. Use the map to select the drop-off location by dragging the pin.
	2. Enter an address manually in the drop-off location field.
	3. Confirm the drop-off location.
	4. The pin moves to the correct drop-off location on the map.
	5. The manually entered address is accepted, and the map reflects the location.
	6. The user can successfully confirm the selected drop-off location.

Module 3: Vehicle Selection
Title: Verify the user can select a vehicle type for the trip.
Description: Ensure that users can choose between different vehicle options (e.g., Economy, Premium, XL) based on availability.
Preconditions: Pickup and drop-off locations have been selected.
	1. Navigate to the vehicle selection screen after confirming the locations.
	2. Choose a vehicle type (Economy, Premium, or XL).
	3. Verify that vehicle availability is shown based on location.
	4. Confirm the vehicle selection.
	5. Available vehicle options are displayed based on the selected locations.
	6. The user can successfully select and confirm a vehicle type for the trip.

Module 4: Fare Estimation
Title: Verify that the fare estimate is displayed correctly.
Description: Ensure that the app provides an accurate fare estimate based on the selected route and vehicle type.
Preconditions: Pickup and drop-off locations, as well as a vehicle type, have been selected.
	1. Check the fare estimate provided after selecting the vehicle and route.
	2. Verify that the fare estimate changes if the vehicle type or route is modified.
	3. The fare estimate is displayed correctly based on the selected vehicle and route.
	4. The fare estimate updates dynamically when any input (vehicle type or route) is changed.

Module 5: Payment Method Selection
Title: Verify the user can select a payment method.
Description: Ensure that users can choose between various payment options, such as Credit Card, Cash, or Digital Wallet.
Preconditions: Fare estimate has been shown, and vehicle type is selected.
	1. Navigate to the payment method selection screen.
	2. Choose a payment method (e.g., Credit Card, Cash, or Digital Wallet).
	3. Confirm the payment method selection.
	4. All available payment options are displayed.
	5. The user can successfully select and confirm the preferred payment method. 
Module 6: Confirm and Book the Ride
Title: Verify that the user can confirm and book the trip.
Description: Ensure that the user can successfully book a trip after selecting all required options (locations, vehicle, and payment method).
Preconditions: Pickup and drop-off locations, vehicle type, and payment method have been selected.
	1. Review the trip details (pickup, drop-off, vehicle, and payment method).
	2. Confirm the trip and click Book Ride.
	3. Verify that the ride is successfully booked, and the user receives a confirmation.
	4. All trip details are displayed for review.
	5. The user successfully books the trip, and a confirmation message is shown.
	6. The user receives a notification of the booked ride.

Step 3: Module Merging

Once these individual test modules are created and reviewed, they can be combined to create an End-to-End Test Case by leveraging the Call-To-Test feature in your Test Management Tool for the entire trip booking flow. 

This modular approach allows for reusing specific modules across other test scenarios in the Ride-Hailing App, with slight modifications or combinations. For example:

1. Ride Cancellation Flow
	○ Modules involved:
		• Pickup Location Selection
		• Drop-off Location Selection
		• Vehicle Selection
		• Fare Estimation
		• Payment Method Selection
		• Confirm and Book the Ride
		• Ride Cancellation (New Module To Be Added)
2. Schedule A Future Ride
	○ Modules involved:
		• Pickup Location Selection
		• Drop-off Location Selection
		• Vehicle Selection
		• Scheduling The Pick-Up Time (New Module To Be Added) 
		• Fare Estimation
		• Payment Method Selection

This flexibility allows for efficient reuse of modular test cases with minimal redundancy.


  • Enhanced Reusability: Since test modules can be reused across various scenarios, writing new test cases becomes faster and more efficient.
  • Improved Maintenance: Modular tests are easier to update or fix when changes occur in the application. You don’t have to rewrite entire suites; you can simply adjust individual modules.
  • Scalability: The modular approach supports scaling by allowing more modules to be added as features grow, without rewriting existing tests.

Implementation Challenges and Possible Mitigation Plans

  • Initial Setup Complexity

    • Challenge: Designing a modular test architecture requires a significant upfront time and effort.
    • Mitigation: Start with a simple framework and gradually expand it. Involve the entire testing team in brainstorming sessions to gather insights on the best ways to structure the modular design.
  • Resistance to Change

    • Challenge: Team members who are accustomed to traditional test design may resist adopting a new modular approach. They may be skeptical about the benefits or uncertain about how to implement the new process.
    • Mitigation: Provide clear communication about the benefits of modular design. Offer training sessions, and hands-on examples to demonstrate its advantages, and encourage team members to voice their concerns.
  • Skill Gaps

    • Challenge: Not all team members may have the necessary skills or experience with modular testing principles, leading to inconsistent implementation across the team.
    • Mitigation: Invest in training programs to upskill the team. Pair less experienced team members with those who have more expertise in modular test design for mentorship and support. Additionally, implement a comprehensive review process.
  • Knowledge Transfer Issues

    • Challenge: As team members come and go, transferring knowledge about modular test design can become challenging, leading to a potential loss of expertise.
    • Mitigation: Document modular design practices, guidelines, and lessons learned. Conduct regular knowledge-sharing sessions and maintain a central repository for all modular test design documentation.

Best Practices

  • Design for Reusability: Create test modules that focus on specific, standalone functionalities. Reusable test modules reduce duplication, making the testing process more efficient and manageable.
  • Keep Modules Small and Independent: Each test module should cover only one function or feature. This reduces complexity and allows for easier updates when functionality changes. Small, independent modules make it easier to maintain and scale your test suite.
  • Use Clear Naming Conventions: Use descriptive names that clearly indicate what the module does. Establish a standard naming convention for the entire team to follow. Consistent naming helps team members easily identify and understand the purpose of each module.
  • Document Each Module: For each module, provide a brief description, test data, expected results, and any dependencies or preconditions. Use a centralized repository to store and access these documents. Proper documentation ensures that all team members understand the functionality and purpose of each module, improving knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Modularize Common Actions: Identify actions that occur frequently across test cases and break them into reusable modules. For example, a "Login" module can be used in multiple test cases without rewriting the steps. Common actions like login, navigation, or selecting a dropdown are often repeated in test scenarios. Modularizing these actions saves time and effort.
  • Regularly Review and Refactor Modules: Periodically audit your test modules to identify any redundant, outdated, or overly complicated tests. Refactor them for simplicity and alignment with current product features. As the application evolves, test modules may become outdated or overly complex. Regular reviews help keep your test suite relevant and manageable.
  • Plan for Scalability: Design your modular test cases with scalability in mind, ensuring that new modules can be seamlessly added without impacting existing tests. Group related modules into logical test suites to make them easier to manage as the application grows. A well-structured modular test suite can be easily scaled to cover more test scenarios and additional features over time.
  • Maintain High Test Coverage: Regularly review test coverage metrics and ensure that your modular tests cover all critical application functionalities. Create modules that can be reused to test various edge cases and scenarios. Ensuring comprehensive test coverage helps prevent defects from slipping through and guarantees that the entire system is being tested.


The Modular Test Design Approach helps create a flexible, reusable, and scalable test framework. By focusing on smaller, self-contained modules, it promotes maintainability and reduces the overhead of managing complex test suites. This approach is especially valuable in agile environments, where rapid iterations and continuous testing are critical.

Modular testing not only simplifies the development of test cases but also provides clarity, making debugging and maintenance easier for the entire team. So, if you're not already adopting a modular test strategy, now might be the perfect time to start!


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